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Single Sign-On post configuration steps

Single Sign-On Post Configuration steps. OAuth 2.0 Integration with Ory Hydra and Ory Kratos: Simplifying Auto Consent Flow

OAuth 2.0 has become the industry-standard protocol for authorization, renowned for its client developer simplicity and robust authorization flows tailored for web applications, desktop applications, mobile devices, and more. Developed within the IETF OAuth Working Group, OAuth 2.0 and its extensions continue to evolve, ensuring secure and efficient authorization processes across various platforms.

Enhancing Security with Ory Hydra

ORY Hydra is an advanced, open-source identity and access management solution that excels in providing token-based authentication, authorization, and comprehensive security features for web applications and APIs. Engineered for flexibility, scalability, and seamless integration, Hydra allows developers to efficiently create and manage OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect (OIDC) servers. Key features include:

  • Support for Multiple Authentication Flows: Hydra supports authorization code, client credentials, and implicit grant flows.
  • Enhanced Security Features: Token revocation, token introspection, and consent management to ensure secure and compliant applications.
  • Ease of Integration: Designed to fit seamlessly into existing infrastructures, Hydra is ideal for securing APIs and web applications.

Streamlined User Management with Ory Kratos

ORY Kratos is a powerful, cloud-native identity and user management system offering a comprehensive suite of features for managing user authentication and authorization in web applications. As an API-first solution built on modern cloud architecture principles, Kratos ensures ease of integration and horizontal scalability. Noteworthy features include:

  • Comprehensive User Management: Facilitates user registration, login flows, profile management, password resets, and other security-related functions.
  • Protocol Support: Fully supports OAuth 2.0, OpenID Connect, and JSON Web Tokens (JWTs).
  • Customizability and Flexibility: Designed to be adaptable and customizable to meet specific application requirements.

Building a Secure SSO Stack with Ory Ecosystem

A basic Ory OAuth stack can be efficiently set up using Docker Compose, integrating the following components:

  • Ory Hydra Quickstart Repository: For initial setup and configuration.
  • Ory Kratos Intro Repository: For user management features.
  • Ory Kratos UI Repository: For user interface components.
  • Auto Consent Repository: For managing auto consent flows.
  • Database Support: Compatible with SQLight, MySQL (5.7+), and PostgreSQL (9.6+).

Requirements for Deployment

  1. Domain Name: Essential for link functionality. For testing, use a domain like Certificates for the domain are stored in acme.json for Traefik.
  2. Reverse Proxy: Required to serve Hydra, Kratos, and consent. Traefik is used in this setup.

Configuring SSL for Secure Connections

To ensure secure communication between your applications and users, it is essential to configure SSL. This involves changing protocols from HTTP to HTTPS in all configuration files, including .env, docker-compose, and Ory Hydra configuration files. Follow these steps to configure SSL:

Step-by-Step SSL Configuration

1. Update .env File:

Modify your .env file to replace all HTTP URLs with HTTPS.

For example:



2. Update Docker Compose File:

Ensure that your docker-compose.yml file is updated to reflect HTTPS endpoints.


version: '3.7'
    image: oryd/hydra:v1.10.6


3. Configure Ory Hydra: In the Ory Hydra configuration file (e.g., hydra.yaml), ensure HTTPS is used:



4. Setup Certificates:

Use a certificate management tool like Traefik to handle SSL certificates. Configure traefik.toml or traefik.yaml accordingly:

    address = ":80"
    address = ":443"


5. Reload and Test: After making these changes, reload your Docker Compose stack:

docker-compose down
docker-compose up -d

6. Test the URLs to ensure they are served over HTTPS and the certificates are correctly applied.

By configuring SSL, you enhance the security of your OAuth 2.0 implementation, ensuring that all data transmitted between your applications and users is encrypted and secure. This is a critical step in safeguarding user information and maintaining compliance with security standards.

Next article: How to setup Akeneo with Nginx, Nginx Proxy Manager, and Portainer