What is OpenResty?
OpenResty is a dynamic web platform based on Nginx and LuaJIT that allows developers to build scalable web applications and services with ease. It provides a powerful set of features for handling HTTP requests, caching, load balancing, and much more.
What does OpenResty stack include?
OpenResty includes the Nginx web server, LuaJIT, a Lua-based scripting engine, and a set of pre-built Lua libraries that make it easy to handle common web development tasks. It also comes with an extensive set of modules and plugins that allow developers to extend its functionality even further.
Who is using OpenResty?
OpenResty is used by some of the world's largest companies, including Alibaba, Tencent, and Cloudflare. It's also popular among developers and startups who need a fast, flexible, and easy-to-use platform for building web applications and services.
What are the benefits of using OpenResty?
One of the primary benefits of using OpenResty is its speed and scalability. It's designed to handle large amounts of traffic and can be configured to work seamlessly with other web technologies. It also provides a simple, yet powerful, API for handling HTTP requests, making it easy to build complex web applications and services. Additionally, OpenResty is highly customizable, allowing developers to extend its functionality as needed.
What you get with this deployment?
With TryDirect, you can effortlessly set up the perfect server on your cloud account. It deploys OpenResty as a Docker container and uploads all essential configuration files, including docker-compose.yml. This allows you to easily manage the server and continue with your development work independently, without requiring further assistance from TryDirect.
What is next ?
Once the deployment is complete you can develop your first endpoint.
Find nginx.conf file at and make your first change, let's say we want OpenResty to respond with "hello world" on request to "/" using Lua interpreter.
Find and edit nginx.conf file.
$ vim /root/openresty/nginx/nginx.conf
Let's update the location
location / {
default_type text/html;
content_by_lua_block {
ngx.say("<p>hello, world</p>")
Check more examples from OpenResty documentation.
Number of servers required
Single VPS server
Companion apps
Fail2ban scans log files and bans IPs that show the malicious signs. Highly recommended for simple VPS server setup
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By selecting this service, you will have priority access to the development team for optimizing and upgrading your stack.
Contact info@try.direct for more information or Hire an expert directly to make post-installation adjustments on an hourly basis. Browse other available services.
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